Episode 19
Rebecca & Marisa: From the Periphery to the Center
What does it take to claim your personal truths? What does that process look like when you’re trying to find the intersection between your passion, and the work you’re meant to do in the world, and the work you’re already doing every day?
For the first time in many months, Marisa and Rebecca recorded a “Just Us” episode. In part, it’s a chance to dive deep into the project that’s front of mind at POBS: the (Re)Vision Retreat for Therapist-Healers that’s coming up this August. It’s also a chance to talk about the evolution of an idea and how it moves from being something you dream about into something you can describe and then birth into the world.
How do you understand your personal and professional brand? We use Rebecca’s evolving vision of “Connectfulness” as a model of a theory and a brand that’s been incubating for a long time and that is emerging in a new way. It’s about living the story before you can tell it. It’s also about becoming the embodiment of the vision. As Marisa says, Rebecca has become Connectfulness in so many ways so the brand melted away into the lived reality.
Is there a vision or a project that has been living in your heart, your mind, and your body? We talk about brands as the intersection of the personal, the professional, and what your soul is supposed to do in this life.
And we also walk between that dual consciousness that tells you that your idea is brilliant and original and necessary and also leaves room for the fears that the idea is obvious and unnecessary. We dive into the triad of universal wisdom, personal experience, and asking yourself who else needs these insights just as you are ready to present them.
Enduring wisdom is embodied wisdom. You’re called to envision the inspirational space that is Menla Mountain Retreat - the mountains and the compassionate energy of the valley and the deep peace that runs through the land. This place is a living invitation to root into spirit and self and manifest something that will shift the world.
Learn more about (Re)Vision: Explore Your Stories, Shape Your Future, the Practice of Being Retreat for therapist-healers that’s happening August 13 -16. The early bird rate is available through May 31.
Oh, and if you’re curious about your own Myers-Briggs definition of hell, check this out: